About Us

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About Us

We offer independent financial advice in Tonbridge.
Finance has an amazing ability to generate lots of paperwork and jargon. This can make it very off-putting.
For example, do you know your UFPLS from your SVR? (Definitions are at the bottom of the page!)
Rootes Wealth Management has been set up to cut through all that jargon. We want to empower you to feel that you are managing your plans rather than leaving it to chance.
How do we do this? Through great service centred around you. We offer pragmatic, managed solutions that help towards your goals. whilst educating you along the way.
Rob Mansfield started Rootes Wealth Management in 2024. Before this, he spent 6 years advising clients and managing portfolios in the City of London. Here is what he has to say about the company:
The most common question I get asked is where does the name Rootes come from? Well, it was my grandmother’s maiden name. She was very influential on me as I grew up and so it is nice to honour her in this way. It also fits into my philosophy around wealth management.
Wealth management is a lot like growing a tree. You start by preparing the ground. You want a secure environment, good earth, good weather and good nutrients. Then you need to keep an eye on it, adjusting as you go along, allowing it to nurture and grow. After many years, with a bit of luck, you’ll have a strong tree, capable of withstanding the weather. You’ll then be able to gain from the shade or the fruit from that tree. I am a keen student of the world’s greatest investor, Warren Buffett, and he has a great saying on this:
Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
It is never too late to dust off your paperwork, and take control of what you have. As the adage goes, the best time to plant a tree was years ago and the second-best time is today.
If this is daunting and you would like some help, please get in touch and we’ll discuss your situation.
Here’s what those earlier acronyms stand for:
UFPLS – Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum. This is when someone takes a lump sum out of their pension. Some of it is tax free (usually 25%) and the rest taxed as income.
SVR – Standard Variable Rate. this is usually seen in mortgages where there is no fixed rate period. This means that the interest rate on the loan varies.


There are lots of different ownership models within financial services.

Here is how we are set up:

Rob owns 90% of Rootes Wealth Management Limited and the remaining 10%, Nancy (Rob’s wife) owns. Nancy is not involved in the day to day running of the company.

Rootes Wealth Management is independent and not part of a larger group. We are a local Financial advice firm in Tonbridge.

We also work with specialist firms to support us. Examples would be compliance, accountancy and IT support. This is so that we can focus on providing our best service to you.

Rob Mansfield DipPFS

I love to help people and make things the best they can be.

It is such a pleasure to talk with clients about their finances, helping them towards their goals. It is very rewarding when clients realise that it isn’t as complicated as they thought it was.

As an analytical person, I love getting under the bonnet of a plan, and thinking about how we can tweak it. Although I’ve used a car analogy, they are one thing I know very little about!

I strongly believe that there are no stupid questions as we cannot all be experts in everything. This comes across in my reviews from people I work with and you can get a flavour of these on my VouchedFor profile or on Google.

I live in Hildenborough, Kent with my wife Nancy and two children, Molly and Freddie. We love the area and like to contribute to civic life. I currently chair Tonbridge Line Commuters, campaigning for better rail services. ‘TLC’ has been going since 1959 and it’s frustrating to that lots of issues have remained constant. Late trainsm expensive fares and capacity from housing developments aren’t new issues! There’s more work to do here!

I am honoured to be the editor of Keys magazine in Hildenborough. This is the church and community magazine for St John’s Church. We deliver a free copy of the magazine to every home in the village each month. You can also get it to your email each month.

DipPFS (the letters after my name) means I hold the Diploma in regulated financial planning from the Personal Finance Society. I also hold the certificate for mortgage advice. Since starting work in 2008, I have seen the Global Financial Crisis, Brexit, Trump, COVID and even Liz Truss!

I look forward to what the next decade brings!